Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dust in the wind...and the throat, nose, hair and ears

I had my best day here in New Orleans today. Gutting a house to prepare it for it's renovation may seem like a trivial, less than perfect way to spend a day, however for me it was bliss. Together with a few other Bonners from TCNJ, we were charged with the task of tearing down the a sheetrock ceiling. Not only did we all end up with coughs, tears, and feeling like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown, we also had to knock out the metal twine that was inconveniently located between the ceiling and the floor joists.
By the end of the day, which unfortunately ended early, we had caused a good amount of "damage" to the ceiling. I was determined to finish the entire portion of the two rooms I was working on however our team leader Mike told us our day had to be cut short. For the first time in a while, I was totally engrossed in an activity that I did not want to leave. I could have continued working until the sun went down, but alas, there is always tomorrow.
Unfortunately, the week here in NOLA will end tomorrow. My goal is to finish off the demolition of the ceiling, so that the renovation period can begin and I can leave NOLA with that sense of accomplishment I always long for on job sites.
Today was a good day.

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